Credits Hours:

Available until:
Dec 13th, 2024


Dental Medicine

The LGBTQIA+ Community issues are important in the study and provision of health services. Its members have been underserved for decades mainly for two reason: 1 Health providers are no educated in specific aspects about the community and 2. Because its members do not know where to seek health services. In this introductory lecture the participants will be exposed to concepts and definitions that are medullar in understanding the complexity of the LGBTQIA+ Community, the relationship between sex, gender, cultural compe-tence and diversity in health provision.

  • Recognize the differences of all the components in the LGBTQIA+ Community.

  • Understand the difference between sex, gender and gender identity.

  • Recognized the influence that the historical background of the LGBTQIA+ Community has in their member’s health.

  • Understand the concept of cultural competence in health provision, specifi-cally with the LGBTQIA+ Community

Dr. Jocelyn A. Medina Paneto

Is a licensed psychologist by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and has a Professional Certificate in Health Psychology from the Psychological Association of Puerto Rico. She earned her Ph.D. in Academic Investigative Psychology from the University of Puerto Rico in 2007. She is an Associate Professor of the School of Dental Medicine, Medical Sciences Campus, UPR

ADA C.E.R.P Continuing Education Recognition Program

University of Puerto Rico, School of Dental Medicine is an ADA CERP recognized provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individu-als courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credits hours by boards of dentistry. University of Puerto Rico, School of Dental Medicine designates this activity for 2 hours continuing credits.

Online Registration

*Once you have made the registration and payment, we will sent the link to see the video of the course and then answer the test.

Virtual Platform: Survey Monkey

Register by: Check or money order made the University of Puerto Rico or on our website. WE ACCEPT VISA, MASTERCARD AND AMEX





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sin sacrificar la calidad de la enseñanza que distingue a la UPR.

Costos accesibles
Costos accesibles

Hoy por hoy la Universidad de Puerto Rico es la institución
con los costos más bajos en el país.

Aprendizaje activo
Aprendizaje activo

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con objetos de aprendizaje dinámicos y activos.

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Tecnologías emergentes

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que atienden las necesidades actuales y futuras de los estudiantes del siglo XXI.



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permiten hacer el uso de elementos interactivos.

Pedagogía activa

Pedagogía innovadora

Los docentes del sistema UPR han sido capacitados y certificados en el uso de tecnologías
y metodologías para la enseñanza en línea.

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